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Home / News / Bulletin - Issue 1
Home / News / Bulletin - Issue 1

Bulletin - Issue 1

Published 05:29 on 9 Feb 2023

HBSC Bulletin

Welcome to edition 1 of the Bulletin! This is a regular communication keeping you updated about all aspects of club life, for all club members. The aim is that there is something for everyone and to encourage participation and involvement. We hope that you will find it informative and interesting.

Social and Bar

On Friday 10th Feb (this Friday!) at 7.30pm, Karl and his friend Simon Smith are giving an informal talk about their 1,200 mile bike ride for Diabetes UK in June and Olaf and his planned epic row! The talk will cover living with type 1 diabetes for 48 years, how treatment has improved and what more can be done, our planned ride, our training and what you can do to help. The BAR will be open for drinks and nibbles.


Sunday 'British Roast Lunch' 19th Feb, 1pm for 1.30pm. Beef, Pork, Turkey or Vegetarian options. £12 adults, £6.50 children aged 11 and under which includes a sweet. Please book by 14th Feb by contacting Jane 01227373376 or Jeni 01227741274 along with your meat/veg preference. All welcome why not book for your friends and family too!


The club Wayfarer needs a new home and lots of TLC! For more information on this cheap project, please contact Richard De Lisle.

There are some old topper hulls going for free, Dave has a Topper rig going for free too. Again, contact Richard.

Kings School have 2 x 420's for sale. Open to offers. Contact Laurie:

Wanted! 4.7 lower mast and sail. If you have one to sell, please contact Jo:


Massive thank you to everyone who has contributed to club maintenance over the winter months on the work parties and less visibly, in your garages. It really does make a huge positive impact let's keep going.

Next work party is on Saturday 18th February 10-3. No previous experience required, and even if you can only make some of the time it is much appreciated. There's jobs for everyone, irrespective of skills. We are going to need help with slipway section repair and cleaning in preparation for it to be laid on 18th March please come along if you can. Thankyou.

Does anyone have a spare solid wood door and locks? We need to replace the entrance door into the Race Tower. Please contact Laurie if you are able to assist.

'East Wing' Proposal

The club are considering next steps to make the necessary improvements required to meet certain standards. 3 options are in the proposal which involves changes to the layout of where the changing rooms are. The edited version of the consultation is here:

Your views are very important, please express them to


Please 'like' our Facebook page 'Herne Bay Sailing Club' and follow on Instagram:

There is also an informal WhatsApp group for any member to join, this is for your pleasure only and is not regulated by the committee, nor a formal communication channel, contact Olaf to join: 07859189607

Club promotion vacancy

Help please! We need a member who can take on Club promotion to expand the communications team. We are really fortunate to have a small team of members who produce flyers etc given the input and post to our website and Facebook pages. To make it even better, we would love someone to come forward who would like to design flyers and posters, liaise with organizations and businesses in the community, including the press. Any contribution will be welcome irrespective of how long you have been a member. If you are interested, please contact Richard De Lisle, or 07443115925.

Getting ready for the new season!

We look forward to you renewing your membership if you have not already done so, so that you can continue to enjoy the sailing, Herne Bay's best beach hut and all the shenanigans that go along with it. The slip way is laid on 18th March save the date your club needs you! More details nearer the time.

In the meantime, please collect your boats, kit and equipment: The Council needs a clear promenade so they can sweep it; we need to identify boats that are no longer paid for so they can be disposed of; unclaimed equipment may be disposed of; we need a clear space for cleaning, maintenance and redecoration. Thank you. Let's be proud of our club!

The club uses a piece of software called Sailing Club Manager (SCM) to manage the memberships, calendar and more. All members should have a log-in. This is very important because it enables you to sign up to volunteering opportunities/duties for safety boat, bar, race officer, galley, etc the club will simply not function without. Plan your year ahead and get yourself signed up for some duties. Link for login:

Dinghy Show

It's that time of year when we are getting ready for the sailing season ahead and the dinghy show is a perfect place to get inspired and back into the spirit of the sport we love! The Royal Yachting Association (RYA), our Governing body organises this event, more information is here:

Did you know that if you are a member of the RYA your entry is free! Who doesn't love a freebie!

Power Boats

Under the agreed replacement schedule a new engine has been ordered for Viking, one of the clubs RIB, used as a safety boat. This 4 stroke Mariner 40hp Electric Power Lift, Electric Fuel Injection Spitfire Propeller will ensure that we continue to provide safe, efficient and economical safety boat cover.

Anyone needing power boat training? please contact our Senior Powerboat Instructor Tony Herlihy via

Sail training

Dates for sail training this year are:

13th and 14th May: Level 1 and level 2 course

17th and 18th June: Level 1 and level 2 course

24th, 25th, 26th July (club week): Level 1 and level 2 course

Level 1 syllabus:

Level 2 syllabus:

RYA Day Sailing Course ( :

27th May ½ day, 10th June ½ day and 11th June full day

Advanced sailing skills: 9th and 10th September

Available to book onto soon

And finally.

Club calendar with all Sailing dates for this year is now available on SCM!

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If you can contribute to the next Bulletin please contact Jo Norrington.

And thank you Jo for putting this together, Richard

Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

© 2025 Herne Bay Sailing Club powered by Sailing Club Manager