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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 86
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 86

HBSC Bulletin Issue 86

Published 11:35 on 13 Feb 2025

Welcome to edition 86 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC

Calendar now online

Events : Herne Bay Sailing Club

Socials this year

If you have an idea for a social, or would like to organise/help organise a social then please get in touch - we want members to be involved. So far we have the following socials confirmed:

March 22nd - curry and hot pot night

Please book your place and pay via SCM. £10 adults, £5 primary school aged children. Help needed to assist on the night and to make a hot pot. Please contact if you are able to help. There will also be a short discussion about 'The Way Forward' Vision for the club - more details to follow.

May 24th - barn dance

We are looking for people to help organise this event, please contact Jo if you can.

Friday 14th November Dinner Dance at Canterbury Golf Club

We are going to have a planning/ideas meeting on Friday 28th February in the bar (same time as bar theme/games night) at 7pm - if anyone would like to share their ideas, be interested in helping with any of of the socials, or co-ordinating an event for this year. Please do come along - the aim is for many people to get involved rather than 1 person dictating! If you cannot make it, please contact Joanne if you have any ideas or want to get involved. .

End of Month Friday bar theme nights

Throughout the season, we are going to run a 'pay day' Friday night bar theme - this could be anything from gin night, cheese and wine, cocktail nights, summer run/walk along the seafront to earn your drink, bar games,.....but we need members to volunteer to run the bar and come up with a theme. We will support you to run it, so if you have any ideas or would like to run the bar, please contact either Jo or Dave so we can add it to the calendar or It's your club.....lets make the most of it!

We are kicking off with a board games night on Friday 28th February 7pm

2025 Programme and membership renewal

I hope 2025 will be a great year for you all. As Sailing Makes Us Happy, we have developed a programme of sailing for the year that allows us all to enjoy time at the club. From the members survey it is clear we like having different activities at the club, and the new calendar provides something for everyone.

For those keen on racing, there are:

  • 29 Race sessions (or 1, 2 or 3 races) at the weekend
  • 6 Wednesday evening open/sailing race sessions, allowing us to enjoy those summer evenings. We will try and arrange food on these evenings
  • 4 Cadet racing days, allowing cadets to have that first experience (supported) of racing

For the general sailors amongst us, there are:

  • 19 Improvers session (Saturday AM)
  • 14 Cadet sessions (Saturday PM)
  • 6 No race days, on which we will plan some cruises
  • 3 Training courses are planned to run in May, early July and September.
  • 2 Discover Sailing days

And, of course, Club Week!

The club fleet will be available to hire during improvers, race days and Wednesday evening sessions when safety cover is present.

In addition, we will be hosting the OK fleet for an open event on 9 and 10 August.

Club socials:

  • There are 13 Socials planned linked to specific sailing days
  • The Dinner and Dance is back on 14 November at the Canterbury Golf Club, with band Nightwatch providing the music and dancing

For less than £3.50 per week (excluding boat parking) for a family membership, I think our fees provide excellent value for money; where else can you get access to sporting facilities, kit and a social scene for this money?

I look forward to seeing you all at the club during the season.

To renew, please click on . You will need your username and password for SCM. If you need a prompt, please email .

Large locker holders: Please note, when renewing, your locker now appears as a berth allocation!

Brian Golton


Adrian Pinn is the Training Principle

Clare Dunning has decided to hand over the role of training principle to Adrian Pinn after 7 years in the role. Clare has been a key member of the training team during this time, and my thanks go to her. We hope to see more of Clare on the water as a dinghy instructor and sailor.

We are planning training courses for up to 6 people in May, Early July and September. We have senior instructors lined up for two of the courses and hope to fill the third shortly. We are hoping that the September course will be an all-female Senior and Dinghy instructor led course.

If you are interested please look out for the messaging for booking on SCM. If you have already paid for a course please contact Adrian directly. Course fees are to be announced shortly.


Firstly, we would like to acknowledge the amazing work Magda is doing with promoting the club through social media! We would like to build on this and are looking to grow a small team to help promote the club. If you are interested, or have any experience you would like to offer we'd love to hear from you! Please contact Darren Moor at or ring him on 07551989866 ... it will be great to have you on-board!

HBSC Branded Clothing Have a look at the link and see the range of new clothing on offer!Do you have any thoughts around the branded clothing on offer? We want to ensure that the clothing is going to meet members' needs so your feedback is valuable. If you have any ideas, please contact Adrian on

RYA Dinghy Show

The dinghy show is on 22-23 February at Farnborough International. RYA members get free tickets. Children are also free (15 and under). It is a great day out - lots to see and do and gives you an appetite for the season ahead.

RYA Dinghy & Watersports Show

Last updated 11:35 on 13 February 2025

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