HBSC Bulletin Issue 89
Published 23:26 on 13 Mar 2025
Welcome to edition 89 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC
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Events : Herne Bay Sailing Club
Sailing this weekend
"Calling all sailors young and old, let's get on the water this March, tie up with others and get involved. Many thanks to all the volunteers who are already booked in, one or two more slots to fill."
March 22nd - curry and hot pot night
Unfortunately there are currently insufficient numbers to make this social viable. Please sign up on SCM by Friday night 14th March if you want to go. If you are having difficulty using SCM, please let me know and I can add you. If we do not get enough numbers by Friday night the event will be cancelled which is such a shame.
Please book your place and pay via SCM. £10 adults, £5 primary school aged children. Help needed to assist on the night and to make a hot pot. We need someone to take the lead / co-ordinate the hot pots for the evening. This involves ensuring the hotpots are all on the table and at the correct serving temperature. Please contact norrington.joanne@gmail.com if you are able to help. There will also be a short discussion about 'The Way Forward' Vision for the club - more details to follow.
Remember last Friday of the month theme night!
28th March's theme is up for grabs - who wants to do the bar and lead on a theme?! Sign up on SCM, let Jo know so we can share in the next Bulletin!
May 24th - barn dance
Live band and calling! Bring your own food.
£10 adults, £5 primary school aged children to cover the cost of the band.
Friday 14th November Dinner Dance at Canterbury Golf Club
We have a few large lockers (only £14 p/a) available. If you want one please contact membership@hernebaysailingclub.co.uk . First come, first served.
"In preparing the club for the new season, one of the steps and the handrail on the race tower stair were found to be broken. Repairs have been made and the stair is safe to use pro tem, but unfortunately the entire stair is nearing the end of its life and will need to be replaced asap.
A replacement set of metal stairs has been identified but, in order to keep costs down, any suggestions of possible alternative sources would be welcomed - please contact Dave Hogben if you are able to help."
All best
Your club needs your support
As a volunteer run club we all benefit from getting involved in the on shore activity, whether that's as a general committee member, helping with training, cadets and improvers, running the bar or galley. Its sharing the load that allows us to enjoy our sailing. We need support with various activities and tasks. Perhaps you can help;
Our treasurer, Tim Hughes, could do with some support; this is mainly seeking new contracts on things like utilities and so we can save money to invest in the club and its boats.
There are various works and repairs required around the club, Anyone with trades or competent DIY skills, particularly plumbers, are needed to support the club. Guy Alexander is holding work parties on 30 March and 13 April in the morning before sailing.
We have a great social side, with both galley and bar run by volunteers. In order to keep the galley stocked and ready to serve we need a Galley co-ordinator. This is coordinate volunteers and make sure food is available when we return from the water.
Boat Insurance
As a boat owner it is vitally important to have boat insurance. Not only does it protect you having repair costs in the event of an accident, but personal injuries cost because of an accident can be also high. I personally use Noble Marine for my insurance.
As a volunteer club we are reliant on all members helping run events. This includes improvers, racing and cadet activities. You can sign up on SCM on the web site. Without volunteering the club cannot function so please take the opportunity to sign up by login in at
First Aid Course
We have organised a first aid course on the 5 April provided by Simon Winkley Marine. The cost is £100 for members with discounts for those supporting training activities. The club will collect your fee, but register for the course at
Last updated 23:26 on 13 March 2025