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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 36
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 36

HBSC Bulletin Issue 36

Published 23:08 on 29 Nov 2023

Welcome to edition 36 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.

Update from the Directors

The Directors met on Tues , here's a summary

  • New warning sign for slipway now ready
  • We are discussing with the Herne Bay Carnival Team the possibility of running a Regatta
  • Club boat hire charges agreed @ £15 Two person boat and £7.50 single hander per session. Cadets remain free.
  • Club lettings charges revised
  • 100 Club- someone one needed to replace Steve and Jane
  • Safeguarding policy agreed
  • Policy for providing food for helpers at Open Regattas, Slipway laying/ raising and winter working parties agreed
  • Change in Financial year to match operational year i.e. 1st Jan to 31st Dec.
  • Budget management procedures agreed
  • AGM date will be in September in future
  • Man of Kent Regatta will be at HBSC on 7th Sept 2024
  • New sections for Slipway to be made up this winter
  • Positive report on Junior Sailing with a winter programme set, starting with Party 10th Dec.
  • Sustainability - separate box for recycling cans
  • Galley - Deep clean carried out and dishwasher fixed. Please keep the Sumup machine plugged in!!
  • Bar - deep clean carried out.
  • Cleaning - our cleaner is having time off due to health issue so we need to ensure that we clean up after any events/activities.
  • Social - Dinner Dance was a great night but its future is in doubt ; Quiz Night 22nd Dec; Boxing Day punch-up possible; New Year's Day punch -up definite; Reculver Walk and lunch definite.

Bar Open Friday 1st December from 7pm

And a chance to get Christmassy by putting up the decorations! The club does have some, but if you have any spare at home please bring them along. All are welcome.

Work Party Saturday 2nd December

Hi All. We are continuing with our redecs this Saturday 11am to 3pm . Please wear your old gear and bring gloves and a mask and let's spruce up the changing rooms etc.


Winterlude Quiz Night Saturday 2nd December

It would be great to get another team or two to make a full house on quiz night! We have some fantastic raffle prizes to win on the night - please bring some cash to join in, £5 for a 5 ticket strip, £10 for 3 strips. All proceeds from the raffle will go to the RNLI and help support our Cadets Programme. Thank you in advance, Gill.


Complimentary mince pie and mulled wine is included in the ticket! Please feel free to bring your own nibbles - please NO NUTS due to severe allergy risk for one of the guests. Thank you.

Cadet Christmas Party Sunday 10th December 2pm start

Bring and share please let Kai know if you are coming and what food you would like to bring and share. Bar slots available, please sign up on SCM. We would like to encourage as many cadets to join us as possible. If you want to feel young, please do comer along and support this event. Thank you.


Walk to Reculver for Lunch Saturday 6th January

11am meet at the club. We walk to the Ethelbert Pub for lunch / drinks and then walk back. All welcome! Please direct message to Simone (07835391395) if you would like to come, as the pub needs numbers, but no need to pre-order food.

New Years Day Punch Up

We are very sorry to say that the advertisement for New Years Eve Party is no longer going ahead. However we are going to punch up the New Year instead! More details to come.....

Last updated 06:49 on 17 July 2024

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