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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 33
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 33

HBSC Bulletin Issue 33

Published 23:15 on 3 Nov 2023

Welcome to edition 33 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.

Return of Trophies

If you have any sailing trophies, please return them to the sailing club in inform Russell once you have done so.

Cadets Parental Meeting and Activity Afternoon 4th Nov, 2pm

Saturday 4th November at 1400 we shall have a meeting for interested parents and activities for the Cadets.

Topics for discussion will be:

Christmas Party on the 10th of December.

Once a month Theory session in the off season.

Sailing Instruction in the run up to Club Week

Types of Professional Accreditation for cadets

...and anything else people may want to raise.

There are going to be donuts and games so please do come along!

AGM 11TH November 4pm

Dear members

As you know we are sorting out the management for next year in order to get it to the AGM on 11th Nov. We still need people to help out with the following please:

Social events - be part of a team to organise a supper, a quiz night, a Barn Dance, a Beer Festival or whatever.

Race Results - collate and post the results and sort out the Trophies for the prize giving

Galley Coordinator- keep the Galley stocked and ensure standards are maintained.

Health and Safety - monitor Risk assessments and ensure risks are mitigated.

Special Events Team - catering for larger events.

First Aid Boxes - keep the boxes properly stocked.

Many hands make light work.

Call me or write




Water Users Meeting 11th November, straight after the AGM.

Please stay on for this meeting straight after the AGM. This is an opportunity for all water users to express their views and help shape the programme for next year. This is your club; we really need your input.

Dinner Dance 25th November

Dinner and dance end of year celebration, 25th November 2023. Tickets are £50 pp. This was a really fun event last year and we are really keen to make it as good as, or even better! Tickets are still available.

You can pay for tickets in three ways:

Cash: paid into the bar till. Please put a note in the till with the money so Dave and Jenny know where the extra money has come from.

Sum up machine: Bar or Galley

Bank transfer: HBSC, sort code 40-24-12, Acc No. 61409611, payment Ref. Dinner and Dance.

Whichever method you choose please email Jim and Viv stating how you paid, and number of tickets required. We will then add you to the list of attendees and keep you informed of menu etc.

Jim Ledger: 07833 239514

Viv Oliver: 07904 466222

Quiz night Saturday 2nd December


New Years Eve Party!

Informal New Years Eve party bring and share a plate of food. Bar will be open, music and party games all members are welcome. Please let Karl know if you intend to come along and with what food you think you might bring.


There is an informal WhatsApp group for general chit-chat (not a formal means of communication), link here to join:

WhatsApp group for cadets: The link to join is here:

Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

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