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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 43
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 43

HBSC Bulletin Issue 43

Published 11:16 on 3 Mar 2024

Welcome to edition 43 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.

Volunteering and Duty Slots for the season ahead

In trying to plan ahead for March and volunteers, I wanted to give you a view of the month. As a club we are 44% booked so far. Bearing in mind the month starts on the 16th March with the slipway going down, we have two weeks to be fully booked! It really does help the club to run smoothly if members book in early. It does become frustrating if it's all a bit to last minute with members arriving, not knowing if events are going to happen and having to change plans when down at the club. Many thanks to all of you wonderful members who have booked already and looking forward to all who will book in soon too.Peter Falcini.

Maintenance and Slipway

We need some help with floor painting - if you are able to help please contact Richard de Lisle.

Slipway laying will be on Saturday 16th March. If you are able to help please sign up on SCM.

Curry Night - Saturday 23rd March

Would anyone be able to organise a curry night for Saturday 23rd March to celebrate the start of the season? If so, please let Richard know. You don't need to make all the curries - the job will be to co-ordinate this and members will come forward to bring along their culinary delights!

Development Committee and grants

If anyone would like to come onto the development committee, please let Richard know. We have received £500 grant and with this we have purchased 3 toppers for the cadets. This will also help to underpin our scholarship scheme with local schools. The £5000 Capital Grant for the accessible toilet has just been received so work can begin once the detailed drawings have been agreed by the development committee.

Sailing Programme

The sailing programme is now Published! Link to calendar is here:

The first activity is slipway laying on Saturday 16th March, 8am start. The galley team will be providing refreshments to keep you all going. We still need some more help - if you are free please sign up on SCM, even if its just for an hour.

The first sailing race is Sunday 17th March and the first Open Sailing session on Saturday 6th April.

WhatsApp groups

There are a number of WhatsApp groups that members can join. They are not a formal means of communication but nonetheless, very useful to share interests and chit-chat.

Sailing related chat:

Female Participation: This aim of this group is for female members to mutually support each other and to encourage participation in club on the water activities and volunteering/duties. This is a very new group and we hope that the people who would like to participate will shape and evolve the group as required.

General chit-chat:


Dancercise 5th and 6th April

On 5th and 6th April starting at 5pm at the sailing club. My dear friend Sarah and her hubby Steve will be doing a 24 hour Dancercise to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Unfortunately I am now unable to take part in the Dancercise, but will be there the whole time as support team for Sarah and Steve. Our commodore Richard has kindly said yes to starting off the event and finishing it 24 hours later! There will be guest / volunteer dance and fitness instructors coming to do a few classes, including some line dancing!! Even a singer! More information and schedule to follow. Please come down and support the event, you are welcome to join in for hour or so for a donation or just come down have a drink, chat, donate and support! The bar will be open Friday from late afternoon and Saturday afternoon. There will be a cake sale and a raffle, all money raised will go to Cancer Research UK. If anyone would like to donate a prize or a cake, or to volunteer to do a stint in the bar or help out, please DM me on the HBSC whatsapp chat or email me Thank you! Maria Golton Here's the just Giving link if anyone would like to donate.

Last updated 06:49 on 17 July 2024

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