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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 69
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 69

HBSC Bulletin Issue 69

Published 23:50 on 6 Sep 2024

[PDF] list of posts - Sheet1.pdf


Welcome to edition 69 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.

Man Of Kent Saturday 7th September

This is an Open Sailing Event and we need lots of help to ensure the racing runs smoothly - it's an excellent opportunity to show case our club and hopefully recruit some new sailing members.

We also need racers! Please sign up on SCM if you would like to race. Entry via SCM or ://

Catering: breakfast from 10am for bacon and egg rolls. Baked potatoes and filling when off the water at the end of the racing from 2pm (please order in the morning). Sausage rolls and cake are also in the mix! Yum.

Non-sailors are welcome to eat - in fact this is encouraged, please come along and support your club!

Briefing at 11.30 for 1300hrs start

Volunteers needed to clean the slip way beforehand lots of fun with the pressure washer! Jonathan or Russell will meet you to show you how to operate it if you don't know how to - please contact them if you need to be shown.

Assistant Race Officer Training and Practise Sunday 8th September 12.30

This is open to all. Jonathan and James going to run some training for anyone interested - no experience necessary - please come along! We have an excellent step-by-step manual that we follow, so come and join in with putting theory into action.

You don't need much sailing experience, just a good sense of humour!

Cadets on Sunday 8th Sept instead of Saturday!

This is due to Man of Kent Event. 2pm start as normal.

Sailing Sunday 8th Sept - 2pm start

Sunday Racing - ideal for new/ novice racers

Sunday has two races planned, but we will do four: One normal length and three short (the first two of the four to count). This is ideal for novice racers as you get to practise lots of skills, don't get left behind and have fun.

AGM 8th September 5pm

Nominations for posts to go forward to the AGM on Sept 8th

You are invited to come forward to help support the club for next year.

All posts are filled for a one year period.

Some people have offered to continue in their existing roles but you are welcome to apply for any of them. We do not usually have competition for posts but it is quite legitimate to press your case if you desire to develop the club in a particular way.

I have attached a spreadsheet showing the roles available but for convenience I summarise the areas where there are currently known gaps and for which we will be very grateful if you could step up. Without members there is no club, without volunteers we cannot function.

If you would like to help but do not know how best to use your talents call me on07443115925 or talk to one of the experienced members.

Our known gaps that need filling are as follows:


Sailing Secretary

Vice Commodore


Rear Commodore - Maintenance

Health and Safety Officer

Galley CoOrdinator

Social Events CoOrdinator

Sailing Committee member

Development Committee Member

Safety Boat Team

First Aid Box checker

Galley Team

Social Team

If you can spare a little time, jobs can be split down and shared. Every little helps. Together

we are an Ocean.



Boat Maintenance

The sailing committee have introduced a new boat maintenance reporting system. Below is the QR code for HBSC dingy maintenance group, for those who are willing to help with boat maintenance. It is also the method to report any faults with any of the club boats. There is a designated white board in the main club house for reporting faults - please write the fault on here, take a photo of it and send to the whatsApp group.

The Sailing Committee are also looking at running monthly boat maintenance sessions either on Friday evenings or on Saturdays - if interested, please join the WhatsApp group and express your interest - thank you.


Saturday Sailing donation pot

There is going to be a voluntary donation pot for anyone who use club boats on Saturdays for cadets or training. This is so that we can start to build some funds to help maintain and grow our fleet.

Last updated 23:50 on 6 September 2024

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