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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 14
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 14

HBSC Bulletin Issue 14

Published 10:08 on 1 Jun 2023

Welcome to edition 14 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.

Sailing This Weekend 3rd and 4th June 2000 Racing Event

It's finally here and the weather is looking good (ish!) This event is part of the Class Association Millennium Series of racing, the equivalent to our club series racing.

If you are a 2000 owner and have still not entered, there is time to do so! As a HBSC member, you do not need to pay the £35 registration fee if you are a member of the class association. Membership to the class association is free for the first year.

The link to the class association membership is here:

Link to all the event information including timings is here:

If anyone has any allergens and would like food over the weekend, please inform Jo Dengate so we can accommodate for you.


Saturday evening social

6pm Fish and chips we are doing a big order so if you would like us to order for you, please book at the registration desk in the morning. Pay when you order, cash please. Everyone is welcome.

Adult Cod and Chips £10;

Adult sausage and chips £5.30;

Kids fish and chips £6.30;

Kids sausage and chips £3.50.

7pm Boat Drive everyone welcome including children of all ages. This is like a beetle drive, but using boats instead: see YouTube link for how to play

It is great fun and there will be lots of fun prizes.


Saturday morning registration: We need someone to help with registration and take fish and chip orders all the paperwork is there; we just need someone to be on the desk. Please contact Laurie if you can help.

Sunday Galley: We still need some help in the galley on Sunday even if you can do just an hour or 2, we will be very grateful. Please sign up on SCM.

Trolly Dolly: We also still need help on the beach with launching and recovering for both days. Due to the NE Winds, there will be waves so to make launch and recovery safe, we do need help on the shore. If you can help, please do come along. If you would like some more information, please do contact Laurie (07814185437).

Galley Updates

Thank you for everyone supporting the galley either buying refreshments, or volunteering for a duty slot. Children and young people are encouraged to help in the galley this is a great way to get involved and to practise their kitchen skills. To keep them safe, we just need to apply some common sense and ensure that under 12's is supervised by a responsible adult.

The galley space is long and thin, meaning that too many people in there at a time really can 'spoil the broth', so please bear this in mind and ask if its OK to enter the galley if its crewed just to keep everyone safe and literally not falling on top of each other!

Push the Boat Out Day 24th June

We are holding an open day for our members on Saturday 24th June afternoon of on the water fun followed a BBQ. If you would like to get out on the water but do not have a boat, please let Russell, our sailing secretary know via, so we can organise enough boats and help. Club Kayaks and the SUPs will also be available for water-user members. We would love for this to spill into a social, so we are going to fire up the BBQ afterwards. This is now going to be Bring Your Own, but the club will provide some salad and rolls for a small donation to cover the cost.

Keel Boat Sailing Saturday 3rd November

We are looking into hiring out some RS21 Keel boats at Queen Mary Sailing Club for some winter fun sailing at Queen Mary Reservoir, West London. Each RS21 can fit 3-4 people. To be sailed without an instructor on board all crew/helm must be experienced sailors. If we have a boat that has anyone with dinghy Level 1 or a recent dinghy Level 2 pass, we will need an instructor on board. We would also need at least one instructor in a Power boat to help with rigging/setup and who could run racing with us in the afternoon. The total cost will be split between the number of people going. Cost is £225 per boat plus £150 for a Keelboat Instructor. Please express your interest to so we can see how viable this will be. A few members have experienced this and have said at how much fun the day is, so let's see if we can get a group together we have 4 people so far, so if we can have another couple of people, we can have 2 boats.


Past copies of the Bulletin are now available on the Club website for your reference.

There is an informal WhatsApp group for general chit-chat (not a formal means of communication), link here to join:

There is an informal WhatsApp group called 'Sailing mums and dads' This is for parents/carers who would like to help each other with looking after children and joining sailing activities. If you would like to join, please let Magda know (07898778816) and she will add you to the group.

Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

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