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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 13

HBSC Bulletin Issue 13

Published 23:13 on 25 May 2023

Welcome to edition 13 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.

Sailing This Weekend

There is sailing on Saturday and Sunday. Link to sailing calendar:


11am An informal spinnaker session will take place with a few of the Kings School Pupils. Anyone wishing to come along to either listen in or join in are most welcome.

2pm Open Sailing


10am: 2000 tuning session and top tips with Brian Golton.

1.30pm meet for 2pm on the water: The Kayak and SUP team have organised an informal paddle with kayaks and Stand-Up Paddle Boards bring your own or use the club's equipment if you have full membership. We plan to paddle around the bay between Kings Hall and the white Coastguard Building. There are 5 club kayaks and 3 club SUPs available.

2pm start for Early Summer 10,11,12


2pm - Family Sailing

Galley Updates

As a club, we are trying to encourage sustainability across all areas of the club. This includes the galley. To help do our bit, once all the single use plastic water bottles have been sold, we will no longer be stocking bottled water. Instead, we will be stocking reusable plastic bottles that can be purchased from the galley and filled either from the fountain or from the galley.


Adrian Pinn is the leader of the Cadets at HBSC. He has a mailing list for families of cadets. If you are not on the list, or have not yet been communicated with, please do contact him .

There is an informal WhatsApp group called 'Sailing mums and dads' This is for parents/carers who would like to help each other with looking after children and joining sailing activities. If you would like to join, please let Magda know (07898778816) and she will add you to the group.

2000 Open Event

On 3rd and 4th June, our club is hosting series racing for the 2000's. This is an Open event and not a National Championship. There will be a whole spectrum of abilities and we want to encourage all our 2000 sailors to participate. Link to enter is here: . There will be a social in the evening for everyone so even if you are not involved in the event, please do come along.

We are having a planning/confirmation meeting tomorrow Friday 26th May in the bar at 7pm. This is for all volunteers signed up, and those who are interested in volunteering for this event, or those who would like to have a beer. We still need help with race results on the committee boat and to help pull the anchor up, beach master and galley support. Alistair Russell, who is a veteran beach master, will be on hand on the Saturday for anyone who would like to do this role but would like some support. It would be great to have a couple of 'beach bums' to help launch and recover always a fun job! Please help us make this a fantastic event. All duty slots are on Sailing Club Manager (SCM).

Friday night bar

Now that we are moving towards warmer weather and light evenings, we are encouraging the bar to be open on Friday evenings. If you would like to run the bar, please sign up on SCM. If you have not done this before but would like to, please contact David Hogben on WhatsApp or via to get your fob activated and for a brief induction. Volunteer needed for tomorrow night please!

Push the Boat Out Day 24th June

We are holding an open day for our members on Saturday 24th June afternoon of on the water fun followed a BBQ. If you would like to get out on the water but do not have a boat, please let Russell, our sailing secretary know via, so we can organise enough boats and help. Club Kayaks and the SUPs will also be available for water-user members. We would love for this to spill into a social, so we are going to fire up the BBQ afterwards. This is now going to be Bring Your Own, but the club will provide some salad and rolls for a small donation to cover the cost.

Keel Boat Sailing Saturday 3rd November

We are looking into hiring out some RS21 Keel boats at Queen Mary Sailing Club for some winter fun sailing at Queen Mary Reservoir, West London. Each RS21 can fit 3-4 people. To be sailed without an instructor on board all crew/helm must be experienced sailors. If we have a boat that has anyone with dinghy Level 1 or a recent dinghy Level 2 pass, we will need an instructor on board. We would also need at least one instructor in a Power boat to help with rigging/setup and who could run racing with us in the afternoon. The total cost will be split between the number of people going. Cost is £225 per boat plus £150 for a Keelboat Instructor. Please express your interest to so we can see how viable this will be. A few members have experienced this and have said at how much fun the day is, so let's see if we can get a group together!


Past copies of the Bulletin are now available on the Club website for your reference.

There is an informal WhatsApp group for general chit-chat (not a formal means of communication), link here to join:

Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

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