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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 17
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 17

HBSC Bulletin Issue 17

Published 23:34 on 22 Jun 2023

Welcome to edition 17 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.

Friday night Bar

Bar is open this Friday from 7pm, if we have a willing volunteer to open it! Please sign up on SCM and enjoy a beer and watch the sunset with friends. why not bring along a take-away?

Sailing This Weekend Saturday 24th June

Link to sailing calendar:

This Saturday is 'push the boat out' day for us! The aim is to encourage as many members into the club and on the water as possible.

2pm start for open sailing. If you would like to sail but don't have a boat, please let Sailing Secretary, Russell know so we can try to get you out on the water. If you are a member with a boat and willing to take someone out, please also let Russell know. His email address is or he's also on the HBSC Chat WhatsApp group.

Club Kayaks and SUPS are also free to use for those who have water-user membership.

Weather is looking cracking for a BBQ its been deep cleaned and ready for Saturday, so bring your own food to cook on the BBQ and Jo Dengate , galley co-ordinator will kindly provide the salads and rolls if you let her know before SATURDAY MORNING or on the HBSC Chat WhatsApp group to ensure she gets enough for us all. The bar will be open too. We still need help please safety boat helm and crew, beach master and bar slots are all available, please sign up on SCM. This is a great opportunity to come down and enjoy our wonderful community.

Also happening Saturday.Olaf's final row!

Olaf has been supporting Karl by rowing 1,200 miles the same distance as Karl is cycling and he's going to row his final miles on the erg machine on Saturday afternoon he will have about 85kms left by then, so he needs your help to row the last bit! There will be a spare erg machine if anyone would like to accompany Olaf on Saturday and row some miles.

Please, please support Olaf and Karl by coming along this weekend, have a row, bring your money to throw into the pot to help raise the target of £10,000!

Karl can be followed here:

Fundraising page is here:

Olafs blog is here:

Sunday 25th June

Summer 4 and 5, 2pm start. Race officer, safety boat and galley slots available..

Man of Kent Regatta Saturday 1st July

This year Minnis Bay are hosting. Open to all including a club team award. Notice of race and registration is here:

Barn Dance Saturday 9th September

An evening of fun dancing to a Ceilidh band and a caller. £10 adults, kids are free. Fun for the whole family! This includes a scrumptious buffet. If you would like to go, please add your name to the WhatsApp list or message Tatiana on 07506020537. Numbers may have to be restricted due to space needed to throw our limbs around, so get in quick!

Club Security

Just a reminder about the procedure for the Upper Gear Store(LaserStore).

The key is in the key cupboard. After unlocking the door the main lock is placed inside the

store and replaced by the combination lock so that members that follow you can easily

unlock and gain access. The last person to put gear away needs to replace the combination

lock with the main lock because it provides better security at unattended times.

The combination lock has a button underneath to release the bolt. Please ensure the door is

not left open after removing your articles and that the lock is properly secured. It is

vulnerable because it is facing the public footpath and could easily be accessed without

observation whilst members are on the promenade. The club is not liable for your losses.

Finally , the key must be returned to the key cupboard. Thank you. As we move towards the

school holidays the risks escalate.



Past copies of the Bulletin are now available on the Club website for your reference. Club website is being constantly updated so please do visit it often.

There is an informal WhatsApp group for general chit-chat (not a formal means of communication), link here to join:

There is an informal WhatsApp group called 'Sailing mums and dads' This is for parents/carers who would like to help each other with looking after children and joining sailing activities. If you would like to join, please let Magda know (07898778816) and she will add you to the group.

Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

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