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Home / News / Some exciting weather for the brave ones at the "Opening Splash"
Home / News / Some exciting weather for the brave ones at the "Opening Splash"

Some exciting weather for the brave ones at the "Opening Splash"

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Published 17:34 on 17 Mar 2023

Plenty of spills and thrills to keep the Safety Team alert and a hairy downwind leg that sometimes courted disaster. Nick established a lead for much of the race but when within smelling distance of the line he succumbed by going into irons and Olaf came steaming through to retain the Trophy he earned from last year. Russell was in the mix with a sensible 4.7 rig but wiped out on the downwind. Lester's rig needs some adjustment that is difficult to do upside down and Graham just had a great time. Thanks to Jonathan Dunn for being Race Officer without a starters cabin. I think it could take off, running races from the bar???? And to Simone and Darren for going to Lester's aid and bring him and the Vortex home.

Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

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