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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 50

HBSC Bulletin Issue 50

Published 22:39 on 24 Apr 2024

Welcome to edition 50 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.

Sailing this weekend

Link to calendar is here:

KSSA Opening Splash Saturday 20th April wrap up

Message from Alasdair Baker at KSSA:

Personally I wish to thank the Galley team for a great breakfast, Lunch and afternoon tea. The enthusiasm from the club was amazing.

And from Neale Farr at KSSA:

Hi Brian, Laurie, Russell and Rob,
I'm sure our thanks were expressed on the day - but again a big thank you to all the volunteers and helpers for all their support at another successful event at Herne Bay SC on Saturday. Without your support and commitment we would not be able to deliver the quality training and racing that we do today.

Volunteering/duty slots

" I was so impressed by the level of support for the KSSA event last Saturday, from the galley food service to the launch/recovery team to the race team to the teams in boats in the icy north wind..thank you.
I wanted to call out the best supporting volunteers so far this year, they are Russel, Guy, Chris, Richard and the Karl/Simone team, all going above and beyond in supporting club activities. Brilliant
On the General level of volunteering, I can see there are many members that have not volunteered so far this year. I know it's early days in the season so far but I will be looking for all members to be getting involved in the running of our club, it's part of our membership. As we go through the year, I will be directly contacting you and discussing this as per the handbook club rules.
This weekend, we have no racing and require safety boat crew and helms, Saturday and Sunday.
Many thanks Peter"


Dear members,
It pains me greatly that we are having to pull the plug on the Galley Food service until we can find someone or a small team of folks who can manage the Galley for us. There are some important procedures related to food hygiene and good practice that have to be carried out because we are a Company and Club and we owe a duty of care to all members to maintain a safe service. Once upon a time a small group of members were able to stock up and maintain safe practices between them and the volunteers for Galley duties. By taking it in turns they were able to maintain the service and the standards to everyone's satisfaction.
If anyone feels , like me, that this navy sails on its stomach then please consider giving it a go and helping out, possibly with some others. Training is available.
For the time being, however, we are down to a drinks only service and "Bring your own" food.
I am, sadly yours, Richard

Re-discover Sailing Saturday 4th May 10am

An Open Sailing Session, we would like for all members to bring along their boats and get out sailing! A shake-down session to re-engage with your beloved sport. Instructors and support will be on hand to assist with launch/recovery, safety cover and general on the water support with some coaching if you would like it. This session is for those who can sail. Training dates for learning to sail will be published soon.

WhatsApp groups

There are a number of WhatsApp groups that members can join. They are not a formal means of communication but nonetheless, very useful to share interests and chit-chat.

Sailing related chat:

Female Participation: This aim of this group is for female members to mutually support each other and to encourage participation in club on the water activities and volunteering/duties. This is a very new group and we hope that the people who would like to participate will shape and evolve the group as required.

General chit-chat:


New Policies/documents

Please see attached new policies and documents that have been approved by the directors - Code of Conduct, Disciplinary Procedure, and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy. These are also available on the Club Website.

[PDF] Code of Conduct.pdf

[PDF] Disciplinary Procedure.pdf

[PDF] EDI policy.pdf

Last updated 06:49 on 17 July 2024

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