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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 59
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 59

HBSC Bulletin Issue 59

Published 23:14 on 27 Jun 2024

Welcome to edition 59 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.

Friday 28th June - 7pm Islands of the Medway Estuary

The sailing club is hosting this talk presented by Adam Taylor - see attached poster. Bar is also open!

Sailing this weekend

Link to calendar is here:

Saturday 29th June - cruise

Cruise to Margate Sands - Saturday 29th June. Message from Ben Gardner

This Saturday we are planning a cruise, picnic (bring your own) and football game on Margate Sands. This is a sandbank north of Birchington. We will have a briefing at 09.30 aiming to leave the club at 10:00 and as a fleet sail to the sands, on the falling tide, where we land, eat lunch and have a game of football. We will leave the sands around 13:30 and sail back on the raising tide, aiming to be back at the club 15:30.

This cruise is open to all members and cadets. It would be great to get as many boats out as possible, fantastic if we can get lots of double handers on the water as I expect plenty of people happy to crew. It would be great if we can get everyone afloat!!
We will sail from the club eastwards aiming for the Copperas Channel buoy (Green) which we will keep to port, this will keep us well clear of Black Rock. We will then sail to the Gore Channel using the Reculver buoy (Red) as our next way point followed by Margate Hook pole (keeping it to port) and aim for the South Margate buoy (Green) again keeping to port. Once past the South Margate buoy we will turn north north east and head out to the Margate Sands. We will make a judgement on how the fleet is progressing, the sea conditions, etc at the Margate South bouy and turn for Minis Bay if assessed appropriate.
Return course will reverse outward course.
Logistic details
Low tide at Margate Sands 12:42 (1.4m), wind prediction is North turning Easterly 6mph gusting 13mph.
We will need Humber, Viking and Tango for safety cover so we are looking for volunteers.

The beaches along the coast with the exception of those around Reculver point are suitable for beaching in emergencies.

WhatsApp groups

There are a number of WhatsApp groups that members can join. They are not a formal means of communication but nonetheless, very useful to share interests and chit-chat.

Sailing related chat:

Female Participation: This aim of this group is for female members to mutually support each other and to encourage participation in club on the water activities and volunteering/duties. This is a very new group and we hope that the people who would like to participate will shape and evolve the group as required.

General chit-chat:


Friday Night Bar

We we would be grateful for anyone who will open the bar on Friday evenings. Please contact Dave Hogben who will ensure your fob is enabled and training arranged where appropriate.

First Aid Course

If anyone is interested in doing a First Aid Course please let Clare Dunning know via Cost will be £55 plus VAT. Once we have a minimum of 6, we will then arrange best days/times that suit, which could be either an all day on a Saturday or spread across some evenings.

Holiday offer

Ben Skull, a previous member who now owns and runs Natures Hideaway is kindly offering 10% discount to all club members! He has 2 shepherds huts for holiday lets. It is in Somerset, very close to the Devon and Dorset border.

Check out his website

And you can email him on for the discount.


Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

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