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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 58
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 58

HBSC Bulletin Issue 58

Published 23:25 on 20 Jun 2024

Welcome to edition 58 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.

Bar, BBQ and Swim Friday 21st June

Enjoy the longest day of the year with an evening bring you own BBQ! Bar will be open from 7pm. BBQ can start at any time. Sea swimming at 9pm. All are welcome of all ages!

Sailing this weekend

Link to calendar is here:

Friday Night Bar

The bar will be open tonight and every Friday evening through the season. David and Jenni are opening the bar tonight. Please sign up on SCM under the duty slots for Friday night bar for future Fridays!

Club boats for sale

RS Quba for sale UK, RS boats for sale, RS used boat sales, RS Sailing Dinghies For Sale RS Qubas - Apollo Duck

Club Quba's for sale - see link. Discount for club members.


The club room is available for lettings and members receive a discounted rate. Please let it be known to non-members because the income is very helpful to club finances.

Club week - Monday 5th August

We are now planning for club week. Please contact Adrian to let him know your availability for the week so he can collate who we have each day to then plan for the water-based activities. We are looking into raft building as one of the activities and wonder if any one has any plastic barrels that we could use for flotation.

Considering the number of Scouts / Guides we have in the club (both old and new) I think we should all be able to teach each other what knots we need to make the rafts work. Adrian Pinn, cadet co-ordinator.

WhatsApp groups

There are a number of WhatsApp groups that members can join. They are not a formal means of communication but nonetheless, very useful to share interests and chit-chat.

Sailing related chat:

Female Participation: This aim of this group is for female members to mutually support each other and to encourage participation in club on the water activities and volunteering/duties. This is a very new group and we hope that the people who would like to participate will shape and evolve the group as required.

General chit-chat:


Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

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