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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 67
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 67

HBSC Bulletin Issue 67

Published 11:15 on 16 Aug 2024

Welcome to edition 67 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.

Bar Open Tonight from 7pm :)

Sailing this weekend:

Saturday: 2pm Open Sailing and Cadets - please sign up on SCM if you want instruction to make sure we have capacity to support you. Otherwise, please do come along for a sail.

Sunday: 2pm late Summer 3 and 4 - duties needed please to ensure this race can happen

Man Of Kent 7th September

This is an Open Sailing Event and we need lots of help to ensure the racing runs smoothly - it's an excellent opportunity to show case our club and hopefully recruit some new sailing members. Please sign up on SCM if you are able to help in any way. Please contact Russell Kyte if you can help but your offer may not fit the duty slots as we would still love to have you!

AGM 8th September 5pm

Nominations for posts to go forward to the AGM on Sept 8th

You are invited to come forward to help support the club for next year.

All posts are filled for a one year period.

Some people have offered to continue in their existing roles but you are welcome to apply for any of them. We do not usually have competition for posts but it is quite legitimate to press your case if you desire to develop the club in a particular way.

I have attached a spreadsheet showing the roles available but for convenience I summarise the areas where there are currently known gaps and for which we will be very grateful if you could step up. Without members there is no club, without volunteers we cannot function.

If you would like to help but do not know how best to use your talents call me on07443115925 or talk to one of the experienced members.

Our known gaps that need filling are as follows:


Sailing Secretary

Vice Commodore


Rear Commodore - Maintenance

Health and Safety Officer

Galley CoOrdinator

Social Events CoOrdinator

Sailing Committee member

Development Committee Member

Safety Boat Team

First Aid Box checker

Galley Team

Social Team

If you can spare a little time, jobs can be split down and shared. Every little helps. Together

we are an Ocean.


Line dancing evening Saturday 14th September

14th of September a date for your diary. The club are holding a line dancing evening led by Dan (who supported the 24 hour dancercise back in April). No previous experience necessary, hats and cowboy boots, optional. Dan, plans to start at 7 pm and finish about 9 pm. There will be a short interlude in which a buffet will be on offer. Price £9.50 for adults £7.50 for children. Contact Jo Dengate by email Or add your name and number of guests on the club chat WhatsApp group event message.

Raising Awareness of Safeguarding in the Club

Since last year, the club now has a considerable number of children attending cadets on Saturday afternoons. We also have adult sailors on site at the same time, for open sailing and training, which is also thriving.

With regard to safeguarding young people and also vulnerable adults, we all need to adapt our thinking and be aware when it comes to using the changing rooms.

Please give children priority to use the changing rooms at the beginning and end of their sessions in cadets.

A designated adult will be on the door at these times to ensure privacy.

Outside of designated times, please follow the guidelines from the RYA 'Changing Room Rules'. These are clearly posted on the entrances to the changing rooms.

If in any doubt, a polite knock on the entrance wall can start a friendly enquiry as to whether it is appropriate to enter or not.

Thank you

WhatsApp groups

There are a number of WhatsApp groups that members can join. They are not a formal means of communication but nonetheless, very useful to share interests and chit-chat.

Sailing related chat:

General chit-chat:


Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

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