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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 19
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 19

HBSC Bulletin Issue 19

Published 11:16 on 8 Jul 2023

Welcome to edition 19 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.

Friday night Bar

Bar is open this Friday from 7pm, if we have a willing volunteer to open it! Please sign up on SCM and enjoy a beer and watch the sunset with friends and family. why not bring along a take-away?

Sailing This Weekend:

Link to sailing calendar:

Saturday 8th July 1pm start for Open Sailing. Safety boat helm needed please.

Sunday 9th July 1pm start for Summer 6. Race officer needed please. Sign up on SCM.

Open Sailing Day for the Deaf Community 15th July Day

Nathan is organising the annual sailing taster day for the Deaf Community. We need lots of help to make this an excellent day, thank you to everyone who has offered to help, this is very much appreciated. If you can spare an hour or two in any capacity, please contact Nathan 07785953831 or message on the WhatsApp chat. 11am start for a briefing/deaf awareness session, then the fun kicks off at 12.30

St George's Cup Presentation 15th July Evening

26 boats participated in the annual race HPYC vs HBSC: the committee boat was very busy! The results will be announced on 15th July, at HPYC, 6pm where they are kindly hosting a BBQ (for a donation to cover cost). Everyone is welcome, if you would like to come along, please let Jo know: or add your name to the list on the HBSC Chat WhatsApp group.

100 Club

Big shout to Steve and Jane and the 100 Club for funding the new dishwasher in the Kitchen. Thank You both.

Club Week Monday 24th July

Club week this year kicks off with a level 1 course on the Monday and Tuesday which is fully booked!

Adrian is leading on the Cadets and he is kindly looking for Experienced Helms for assisting at Club Week. Remit is to be happy to have a couple of young people in the dinghy with you and 'show them the ropes'. If you can help. Please contact him via stating which days (Monday-Thursday) you are able to help with.

More details of any other activities will be published soon.

Barn Dance Saturday 9th September

An evening of fun dancing to a Ceilidh band and a caller. £10 adults, kids are free. Fun for the whole family! This includes a scrumptious buffet. If you would like to go, please add your name to the WhatsApp list or message Tatiana on 07506020537. Numbers may have to be restricted due to space needed to throw limbs around, so get in quick!

Galley Updates

Messages from Richard De Lisle:

At its meeting last week the Directors decided that only children in year 8 and above should be allowed in the Galley, and must be under supervision, due to the inherent risks of hot water at the sink and the hot water dispenser and the risks from the cooker that can be turned on accidentally.

Generally, when someone is on galley duty, members should only enter the Galley with the permission of the duty person as a courtesy.

Please observe hygiene rules and avoid going in when there are already several people in there.

We have your safety at heart.

Help! Unfortunately Jo Dengate has had to step back from coordinating the Galley for the time being due to family commitments. Is there anyone who can help out with this, either on an occasional or regular basis please? Jo can explain the routine and may be able to assist on occasions. Please contact me on 07443115925 or

Ladies Toilets Update

The ladies' toilets now have a designated sanitary/nappy disposal bin and sanitary products in each cubicle, alongside biodegradable waste bags for you to use at your convenience.


Past copies of the Bulletin are now available on the Club website for your reference. Club website is being constantly updated so please do visit it often.

There is an informal WhatsApp group for general chit-chat (not a formal means of communication), link here to join:

There is an informal WhatsApp group called 'Sailing mums and dads' This is for parents/carers who would like to help each other with looking after children and joining sailing activities. If you would like to join, please let Magda know (07898778816) and she will add you to the group.

Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

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