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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 20
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 20

HBSC Bulletin Issue 20

Published 23:19 on 13 Jul 2023

Welcome to edition 20 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.

Friday night Bar

Bar is open this Friday from 7pm, if we have a willing volunteer to open it! Please sign up on SCM and enjoy a beer and watch the sunset with friends and family. why not bring along a take-away?

Sailing This Weekend:

Link to sailing calendar:

Saturday 15th July 10am Open Sailing plus sailing taster day and BBQ for the Deaf Community (families arrive lunch time), organised by Nathan Hudson. Weather is looking a little windy but we still hope to get out on the water in some capacity. Please come on down and help make this a great day for the families.

Sunday 16th July 10am start for the Toucan Trophy 3 races. Volunteers needed, please sign up on SCM.

St George's Cup Presentation 15th July Evening

The results will be announced on Saturday 15th July, at HPYC, 6pm where they are kindly hosting a BBQ (for a donation to cover cost). Everyone is welcome, if you would like to come along to eat, please let Jo know: or add your name to the list on the HBSC Chat WhatsApp group ASAP. Otherwise, please do join us for a drink at HPYC.

Launching Trolleys

The Directors agreed that all trolleys must be tagged to identify the boat by number and surname so we can spot boats that have not been registered or may be wrongly berthed. This will also aid bringing the correct trolleys down the slipway to boats coming off the water.

New Members

A warm welcome to new members

+ Aigul, Justin, Aliyah & Marat

+ Ellen, Emma, Aiyone & Anthony

+ Qing & Alethea

Mid-year review

The Directors will be meeting next Tuesday and will be thinking about the direction and activities of the Club.

I summarised the season to date "from the Crow's Nest" last week and we would be happy to receive and comments or ideas you have before then. Talk to any of us or email me. Your Directors are

Commodore,(Richard De Lisle)

Vice-Commodore (Dave Hogben),

Secretary (Fiona Lovelock),

Membership Secretary (Phil Rees),

Cadet Coordinator(Adrian Pinn),

Sailing Secretary (Russ Kyte),

Peter Falcini (Sustainability),

Matt Hogben,

Ian Moore(Technical),

Simone Royer (Volunteering),

Darren Moore (Health & Safety),

Sally Collard(Safeguarding),

Scarlett Pope (Cadet),

Treasurer (Mark Brown),

Rear Commodore Maintenance (Lester Warwick),

Colin Comper.(ex-officio).

The RYA have launched their strategy to break down barriers and perceptions around sailing and boating, open up to new audiences and showcase the positive impact watersports can have on health, well-being and in protecting our connection with nature. The focus will be around six core outcomes, around which an annual impact report will be produced to measure progress:

Inclusion: An environment where everyone feels welcome, safe and valued

Inspiration: More people are inspired to explore and learn through being on the water

Engagement: More people stay involved in sailing and boating for longer, growing their commitment over time

Influence: A leading voice for sailing, boating and related matters nationally and internationally

Connections: Collaborate and align efforts with partners to create greater impact

Sustainability: Meaningful reduction in our impact on climate and biodiversity while inspiring positive action by others

The RYA will continue to support its excellent network and work with sector partners to help them to be ready for the future, understand the role they can play, and be part of the journey.

What does it mean to us at HBSC?


Past copies of the Bulletin are now available on the Club website for your reference. Club website is being constantly updated so please do visit it often.

There is an informal WhatsApp group for general chit-chat (not a formal means of communication), link here to join:

There is an informal WhatsApp group called 'Sailing mums and dads' This is for parents/carers who would like to help each other with looking after children and joining sailing activities. If you would like to join, please let Magda know (07898778816) and she will add you to the group.

Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

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