HBSC Bulletin - Issue 2Welcome to edition 2 of the Bulletin - the regular communication keeping you updated about all aspects of club life, for all club members. The aim is that there is something for everyone and to encourage participation and involvement. We hope that you will find it informative and interesting. Help shape our clubs' activitiesPlease share your ideas for making the clubs activities relevant to your needs whether this be on the social front, or for on the water activities. If you would like to be involved in organising, helping out or to share your ideas, please contact Richard De Lisle commodore@hernebaysailingclub.co.uk Many hands make light work! The Club's Directors meet on a monthly basis and are made up of club members voted in at the AGM. Their names and photos are displayed in the club house. The link to the January minutes are here, (a hard copy is also available to view in the club house): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U5R5TWy8XMo973-SU7JQ0MCJ-m4GM76SmgSTuzPKxP0/edit MaintenanceMassive thank you to everyone who has contributed to club maintenance over the winter months on the work parties and less visibly, in your garages. It really does make a huge positive impact let's keep going. Important dates: Next work party is on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th Feb: We want to make a start on painting the East Wing and make preparations for laying the slipway. Slipway laying is on Saturday 11th March. Ready for the Opening Splash on the 12th. No previous experience required, and even if you can only make some of the time it is much appreciated. There are jobs for everyone, irrespective of skills. Upcoming SocialsNext Social is Saturday 11th March, to celebrate the new sailing season following the slipway laying. We are having a Thai Food evening more details to follow. On Friday 18th March, Bill Phillips is going to give a talk on 'The Mystery of the pudding pans' Since, at least, Tudor times, fishermen from the North Kent Coast have been finding red earthenware pots in their nets. These have come to be known as Pudding Pans and, in addition to be found in the Whitstable, Herne Bay, Ashmolean and British Museums have spread around the world. There have been many theories, (some as fanciful as Kent's own Atlantis) as to who made them, where they came from and how they got there. The talk will explore their fascinating detective story and look at the fate of these pots and current thinking and possible future research initiatives. Please come along, friends and family are welcome, and some money to spend in the bar. Following a huge number of suggestions for socials, we are very pleased to announce that HBSC will be hosting their very own beer festival 21-23 April further details to be published soon. Charity EventsOlaf is in the midst of his rowing challenge to support Karl's campaign: http://bikeride.bigmight.com/blog/ . You can track Olaf's progress here: http://bikeride.bigmight.com/olaf_progress.html MembersWe are very shocked and sad to hear about the passing of Tony Smith, who has been a club member for over 70 years. Our memories of Tony will stay long in our minds and our hearts go out to Val and the family. We will share details of his funeral once we have them. A very warm welcome to our new members Steven Greenhall and his daughter who have joined us this year!
100 Club - If you have not heard of this please think about joining. We have monthly draws with the top prize being £100. It is £1 per month and the 100 Club raises money that is ploughed back into making the clubhouse nicer eg. new furniture. Contact Jane or Steve Lee via info@hernebaysailingclub.co.uk. MarketplaceThe club Wayfarer needs a new home and lots of TLC! For more information on this cheap project if you would like to take it on, please contact Richard De Lisle. There are some old topper hulls going for free, Dave has a Topper rig going for free too. Again, contact Richard. Kings School have 2 x 420's for sale. Open to offers. Contact Laurie: ld@kings-school.co.uk 'East Wing' ProposalThe club are considering next steps to make the necessary improvements required to meet certain standards. 3 options are in the proposal which involves changes to the layout of where the changing rooms are. The edited version of the consultation is here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/MhRbXKMn3o9Cxqzo7 Your views are very important, please express them to commodore@hernebaysailingclub.co.uk Role VacanciesClub promotion: Help please! We need a member who can take on Club promotion to expand the communications team. We are really fortunate to have a small team of members who produce flyers etc given the input and post to our website and Facebook pages. To make it even better, we would love someone to come forward who would like to design flyers and posters, liaise with organizations and businesses in the community, including the press. Any contribution will be welcome irrespective of how long you have been a member. Secretary: Unfortunately our wonderful secretary, Olga Harrison has had to step down due to unforeseen circumstances. Thank you very much Olga for your support in this role. We are looking for someone who can fill this role. For further details to see if this is something that you may be able to help with, please contact Richard De Lisle for further details: commodore@hernebaysailingclub.co.uk or 07443115925. SustainabilityAdrian Pinn and his son, Tom, have set up a water harvesting system for boat washing for this season, which forms part of our sustainability programme. And Guy Alexander has completed the transition to LED lighting in the clubhouse. Dave Hogben has cut energy consumption in the bar by putting the coolers on timers and we plan to use instant showers to save on the costs of heating 80 gallon cylinders unnecessarily. With our energy costs having risen by 300% we welcome your ideas to reduce costs. RYA updatesThe RYA has a Safe Trx app that is free to download. This can keep you safe when sailing alone. Further details here: https://www.rya.org.uk/knowledge/safety/keep-in-touch/safetrx/rya-safetrx-features Dinghy Show this weekend, further details here: https://www.rya.org.uk/events/dinghy-show CommunicationsPlease 'like' our Facebook page 'Herne Bay Sailing Club' and follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herne_bay_sailing_club/ There is also an informal WhatsApp group for any member to join, this is for your pleasure only and is not regulated by the committee, nor a formal communication channel, contact Olaf to join: 07859189607 And Finally.Who fancies this? Keel boat sailing at Queen Mary Sailing club: Corporate Keelboat Days » Queen Mary Sailing Club. Full day or half day options, if anyone is interested, please let us know here: https://forms.gle/XL6b5rX5fWd7btMN8 and we can see if we have enough to go as a group, on a date that suits everyone. A few members have done this in the past and had a brilliant day. If you can contribute to the next Bulletin please contact Jo Norrington. Thats all folks!! |