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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 39
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 39

HBSC Bulletin Issue 39

Published 22:13 on 27 Jan 2024

Welcome to edition 39 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.


Membership renewals now due! Please refer to membership emails sent in December for further information. If you have paid your membership fees but your account is showing it is outstanding, please give it a little time to clear because we are in the process of changing Treasurers and the posting of fee payments will be delayed.

Winter Newsletter

the winter newsletter will be printed shortly, and we will try to deliver it soon. We would welcome your help in delivering in your area to save on postage. Please contact Richard or Adrian ( if you can help.

Sailing Programme

The sailing programme is now Published! Link to calendar is here:

Kent Schools Sailing Association

KSSA had such a great time with us last year they have asked to come back again and this is on Saturday 20th April for their 'Opening Splash Regatta' please keep this date free as we will need lots of help on land, in the galley and on the sea. It is a fantastic and fun way to enjoy club life whilst supporting young sailors.

Cadets social 10th February

We are so pleased that we have an active cadet group and there is a social on Saturday 10th February and ALL ARE WELCOME! We have invited the Hampton Pier Yacht Club cadets and members too for a fun collaboration.

5pm fish and chips. Please place your order to Jo Norrington ( or 07708545021 text or WhatsApp) by Friday 9th Feb. Or bring your own. We will be selling Ice Creams for £1. See below for menu.

6pm Boat Drive - £1 per entry, a really fun interactive game that is very similar to a beetle drive (explanation is here: )

The bar will be open so please come on down and have a drink if none , some, or all of the above appeals to you

boat drive poster.pdf


Directors' meeting

Here is a summary of the meeting discussion at the January Directors' meeting:

- A Grant application to KCC has been rewarded with an offer of £5,000 re Accessible Facility. Agreed to accept and simplify the project by taking a section of the men's changing area instead of the ladies'.

- Progress towards creating a Herne Bay Regatta during this year's carnival in cooperation with Hampton YC.

- Erect a large banner to promote the club

- Agreed to leaflet new estates

- Job Descriptions for Club Officers revised.

- The annual Programme is nearly complete and a hard copy for the front of the fridge will be going out with the Newsletter.

- The Cadets winter programme is in full swing and well attended.

- We still need someone to keep an eye on Health and Safety

- Galley: Deep clean done 27th Nov, Sum up recharger fixed, Dishwasher fixed and instructions amended. Galley coordinator post still unfilled.

- Bar has been deep cleaned

- Social: Dinner Dance 25th Nov. an enjoyable evening but not supported sufficiently and made a loss of £177. Need to review whether to repeat. Quiz 2nd Dec - Gill - very successful evening. Boxing Day Punch Up- no one was available to run it. New Years Day Punch - Dave - well attended. Walk to Reculver - Simone - great success, well attended

- 100 Club needs new person to manage it.

Next meeting is Thursday 22nd February - if any member wants to put something up for consideration let me know please. Richard 07433115925

Dinghy Instructor Training

Rockley Watersports in Poole, Dorset are offering 20% discount on RYA Instructor Training if you book through HBSC Training Centre more details are here:


There is an informal WhatsApp group for general chit-chat (not a formal means of communication), link here to join:

WhatsApp group for cadets: The link to join is here:

Last updated 06:49 on 17 July 2024

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