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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 40
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 40

HBSC Bulletin Issue 40

Published 23:00 on 8 Feb 2024

Welcome to edition 40 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.


We are so shocked and sad to learn of the passing of Phil, our membership secretary. He will be sorely missed. He did an amazing job at being membership secretary and a fantastic member for that we are so grateful for his contribution. Please bear with us as we work through the renewals. Please refer to membership emails sent in December for further information. If you have paid your membership fees but your account is showing it is outstanding, please give it a little time to clear because we are in the process of changing Treasurers and the posting of fee payments will be delayed.

Winter Newsletter

The winter newsletter is now ready and are in the club. We would welcome your help in delivering in your area to save on postage. Please contact Richard or Adrian ( if you can help.

Sailing Programme

The sailing programme is now Published! Link to calendar is here:

Cadets social 10th February

We are so pleased that we have an active cadet group and there is a social on Saturday 10th February and ALL ARE WELCOME! We have invited the Hampton Pier Yacht Club cadets and members too for a fun collaboration.

5pm fish and chips. Please place your order to Jo Norrington ( or 07708545021 text or WhatsApp) by Friday 9th Feb. Or bring your own. We will be selling Ice Creams for £1. See below for menu.

6pm Boat Drive - £1 per entry, a really fun interactive game that is very similar to a beetle drive (explanation is here: )

The bar will be open so please come on down and have a drink if none , some, or all of the above appeals to you

boat drive poster.pdf


Work Party Sunday 11th February

Reminder the next work party is this Sunday, 10am-2pm.

Dancercise 5th and 6th April

On 5th and 6th April starting at 5pm at the sailing club. My dear friend Sarah and her hubby Steve will be doing a 24 hour Dancercise to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Unfortunately I am now unable to take part in the Dancercise, but will be there the whole time as support team for Sarah and Steve.Our commodore Richard has kindly said yes to starting off the event and finishing it 24 hours later! There will be guest / volunteer dance and fitness instructors coming to do a few classes, including some line dancing!! Even a singer! More information and schedule to follow.Please come down and support the event, you are welcome to join in for hour or so for a donation or just come down have a drink,chat, donate and support! The bar will be open Friday from late afternoon and Saturday afternoon. We also looking for volunteers who would be happy to do a stint in the bar or help out. If you'd like to please DM me on the HBSC whatsapp chat or email me Thank you! Maria Golton Here's the just Giving link if anyone would like to donate.


New WhatsApp group!

NEW WhatsApp group! This aim of the group is for females to mutually support each other to encourage female participation in on the water activities and duties, to enable us to feel included, safe, supported. If you would like to join, the link is here:

There is an informal WhatsApp group for general chit-chat (not a formal means of communication), link here to join:

WhatsApp group for cadets: The link to join is here:

Last updated 06:49 on 17 July 2024

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