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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 64.1 Amendments to Club week section
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 64.1 Amendments to Club week section

HBSC Bulletin Issue 64.1 Amendments to Club week section

Published 23:58 on 26 Jul 2024

Welcome to edition 64.1 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.

Volunteering and Helpers

I wanted to shine a light this week on the top volunteers this week.we have so many that commit to help run the club and sometimes they need to be highlighted. As a club we have over 70 different people helping out and I know too there are others that just come down without doing a duty slot.I see you too, thank you.

Top ones to highlight are; Adrian, Ben, Karl, Simone, Mary, David, Jenny, Richard, Laurie, Jo, Chris and are heroes.

Many thanks Peter

Sailing this weekend


Informal sailing 2pm on the water plus cadets. The celebration weekend racing will be on Sunday only.


10am - Paul Smith Pursuit race

Lunch - Galley is open for lunch - rolls, salad, melon and cakes.

2pm - Jim Newbury and Colin Spoxton Race plus 3 short course races back to back (no more than 20 mins per race).

3rd August - Taster day

Discover Sailing/Push The Boat Out/Taster Day - Call it what you want but this is about getting new members - We have quite a few interested in sailing on this day and therefore need a team! Please will you volunteer on SCM? We are particularly interested in getting a gender balance of helms for the day, so sign up... Jonathan is organising the event, so contact him if you need any info. Details can be found here Please add them to any social networks that you may be a part of.

Club Week

Club Week is from Monday the 5th to Friday the 9th of August.

Arrive for 0900.

Sailing and other fun water based activities with a Cruise later in the week.

All activities weather permitting.

Adrian Pinn

St George's Cup 11th August - part 2

HBSC are hosting this racing in no mans land between Hampton and Herne Bay Sailing Clubs. This is part of the Festival Week Programme so please join in and show case our club, and the sport of sailing. Race Officer and Safety Boat needed please - sign up on SCM.

Man Of Kent - Saturday 7th September

Keep the date free for an Open Sailing competition hosted by our club. Details to follow....

Line dancing evening Saturday 14th September

14th of September a date for your diary
The club are holding a line dancing evening led by Dan (who supported the 24 hour dancercise back in April).
No previous experience necessary, hats and cowboy boots, optional.

Dan, plans to start at 7 pm and finish about 9 pm. There will be a short interlude in which a buffet will be on offer.

Price £9.50 for adults
£7.50 for children.

Contact Jo Dengate by email
Or add your name and number of guests on the club chat WhatsApp group event message - this list will be up and running after Club Week.


Thank you to those of you who contacted membership@ to check their kayaks are registered. If you have not done so already, please do. If you have, please pick up a tag from the bar (please ensure that the number corresponds to the one on the LIST IN THE BAR). We will be going through the process of removing unidentified kayaks during club week (a month from now).

Safety update

To all (especially new members) , please visit our Award Winning Club safety briefing ( and share it with the family. It is important that we stay safe at all times and we are all responsible as club members. So, if you see something that may be a risk please let me or one of the Committee know asap.

We reviewed our Risk Assessments this year and the highest risks are:

  1. Risk 002. Serious medical emergencies at sea, including cardiac arrest, requiring transportation of casualty to shore.
  2. Risk 005. Entrapment during capsize.
  3. Risk 008. Impact injuries whilst offshore from booms or other hard materials within boats whilst sailing.
  4. Risk 013. Injuries resulting from slipping and tripping on club slipway or jumping from the sides into the water.

Our Instructors and Power Boat Drivers are au fait with the procedures to deal with A and B and if you need advice on these just ask us.

We generally require people in training to wear helmets and you can buy some decent hard hats that look like baseball caps for general use if that's your preference.

Try to keep people off the slipway unless they are launching or recovering craft. It is a risk despite the great work that Jon and Carrie do scrubbing it regularly.

AGM 8th September

The AGM is on 8th Sept at 5pm.

Members are requested to submit any items for consideration by 28th July.

We are always looking for members willing to help out with the running of the club. If you are able to give some time up for this please contact me on 07443115925 or email me on for a chat about how you fit in. Thank you Richard

P.s. I am reliably informed one of the available posts will be Commodore. It's a very rewarding leadership role supported by a great group of people.

WhatsApp groups

There are a number of WhatsApp groups that members can join. They are not a formal means of communication but nonetheless, very useful to share interests and chit-chat.

Sailing related chat:

Female Participation: This aim of this group is for female members to mutually support each other and to encourage participation in club on the water activities and volunteering/duties. This is a very new group and we hope that the people who would like to participate will shape and evolve the group as required.

General chit-chat:


Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

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