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Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 9
Home / News / HBSC Bulletin Issue 9

HBSC Bulletin Issue 9

Published 16:24 on 28 Apr 2023

Welcome to edition 9 of the Bulletin


There is sailing on Saturday and Sunday. Link to sailing calendar:

Saturday: Open Sailing 1000 hrs start. These are open sailing sessions for any ability. Where possible, an instructor or experienced sailor will be available to support you on the water. You do not need to sign up and it's a case of 'turn up, sails up'.

Ian Moore has taken on the role of Saturday Open Sailing Co-ordinator, and he is looking for instructors and experienced sailors to assist and support the Saturday Sailing sessions. You can sign up for these on SCM.

Sunday: 1000 hrs start for a pursuit race this is for the Memorial Trophy. In a pursuit race, boats start at different times based on their handicap so slowest boat will start first, and the fastest boat start last and in theory, all boats should finish at the same time but it never works out that way! It makes crystal clear how you're doing against the competition: the first boat to the finish wins. A great race to spectate from the decking!

This years' boat parking list is up on the club notice board please check your boat is in it's allocated slot.

2000 Open Event

On 3rd and 4th June, our club is hosting an Open Weekend for the 2000 fleet ( Link to club website with notice of race, timings etc:

We have a growing number of 2000's in the club and we would love to see them all out on the water, but if you are struggling to find a helm/crew, please let Laurie (078141854237) know and we will do our best to help.

This is an excellent opportunity to show case our club community and get involved in club life. To make the weekend successful, we need lots of help bar, galley, safety boat, race management, trolley dollies/beach bums are all opportunities up for grabs (The duty slots are on SCM, more may be added in the next week or so.) If you can help in any way, or are interested but want more information, we are having an informal meet on Friday 5th May in the bar at 8pm please do come along. This is an opportunity to explain how the weekend and the sailing works, and to answer any questions you may have, and more importantly have a drink in the bar (and bring your take away fish and chips if you've not had your tea!).

We are going to host a social on the Saturday evening by way of fish and chips (bookable on the day) and a Boat Drive - sailings' version of a beetle drive, explanation here:,vid:Ox0NRmH3pnc It really is fun and can get very competitive, anyone of any age can play! Please do join in the fun.

Do you have any space and are willing to host visiting sailors for the weekend? Any offers gratefully received, please contact Jo (


The council have come good on their promise to replace the path at the rear of the club that was damaged some time ago by their mowing contractors.

The footpath replacement works behind the sailing club will start w/c 15th of May. Hopefully, the works should be complete in approx. 2 weeks. The council will be replacing the footpath from the top of the slope to just inside the HBSC back gate, finishing at the top of the steps.

The only minor inconvenience to members and visitors should be that access won't be possible via the path to the rear entrance for 2 weeks while the works are in progress. Emergency evacuation from the club via the back door will not be affected.


Simone will be hosting an information and introduction session for new members on May 14th from 11am till 1pm. The aim is to engage new members to take up volunteer opportunities and get to know other members. This is an informal session where you can share your skills or tell us the skills you would like to learn and we can guide you in the right direction. There is something to do for everyone and we need you all to keep the club running. Please come along for a chat and cream tea. Bar and Galley will be open. There is sailing on at this time (10am start) so it's also an opportunity to see sailing in action. Hope to see you there.

In order for the sailing club to function, there is an expectation that all members will offer their time on a minimum of 3 occasions. This is wide-ranging: galley, bar, safety boat, race management, pressure washing the slip way..all available slots are on SCM. The goal is that it is fun and a great way to get involved in the club community. We do appreciate that some may not be able to offer their time as much as others, and we just ask that you can offer what you can, thank you.

On the note of volunteering, is someone please able to do the bar on Monday July 17th 11am-3pm for a private booking (baby shower)? If you are able to help, please let Mark Brown know (


Past copies of the Bulletin are now available on the Club website for your reference.

There is an informal WhatsApp group for general chit-chat (not a formal means of communication), link here to join:

Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

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