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Home / News / HBSC Bullitine Issue 24
Home / News / HBSC Bullitine Issue 24

HBSC Bullitine Issue 24

Published 22:21 on 16 Aug 2023

Welcome to edition 24 of the Bulletin, the regular communication keeping you informed of things happening at HBSC.

Sailing This Weekend:

Link to sailing calendar:

Friday afternoon: There has been so much fresh to strong wind this year so let's get as many people on the water this Friday as possible to enjoy our summer. We are suggesting sailing and paddling afternoon/evening followed by a fish and chip supper (Fish and chips, kids fish and chips, sausage and chips, kids sausage and chips options), bookable with Simone by 12 noon on Friday please contact Simone on . Bar open from 6pm. Giant Jenga on the deck! We can sip our sunset cocktails as the sun slips below the horizon at 2015hrs.This will be a good opportunity for all members to enjoy some time afloat and afterwards maybe share a few ideas about how the shape of the club events should pan out next year. I hope newer members will come and join in and discover how to make the most of membership. Richard.

Saturday: Herne Bay Photographic Exhibition. Open Sailing 1400 hrs start. Day 2 of Power Boat level 2 course.

Sunday: Herne Bay Photographic Exhibition. Racing has been moved to 1500 hrs start so we can watch the Ladies Football Final. Race Officer and assistant, Safety Boat helm and crew, and Galley slots are all available. Please sign up on SCM.

July Directors' Meeting Minutes

These will be available on the club website.


The AGM is not until November 11th, so why bring it up now you ask? Well, there are a couple of things to think about now-

Who is going to run the club next year? And how can you help.

We will be sending out Nominations lists for slots that need to be filled if we are to keep this show on the road and we would ask that you give consideration to helping out with the tasks at hand. Even if you can only give a few hours here and there or perhaps there is scope for a job share to ease the time burden. Just let me know if you can help, please. We are especially keen to get newer members involved so that future programmes and developments can meet changing needs. You do not have to be an Olympic Sailor or Kayaker to be able to contribute!

Secondly, the AGM is an opportunity for members to raise issues for consideration by the whole membership but you have to let the Directors know by 30th September for it to be included on the Agenda.

Finally, we are starting to put the programme for 2024 together so if you have any comments, suggestions or preferences on what you would like to see in it please let Russell or myself know asap so that it can go in the mix. This is one of the tasks of the Sailing Committee in case you want to join up for next year!

We are all volunteers

As you probably know there is an RYA Racing Charter that we sign up to as a club( ) . It ensures that racing is fair, welcoming and inclusive to all. From participants It requires courtesy and respect to other competitors, officials and other water users both afloat and ashore. As a family friendly club we exude these attributes from every pore but if there is something that upsets you in the way things are being done, on or off the water, please don't shoot the messenger but let me, or one of your Directors, know about it . Feedback is the breakfast of champions. We will address any issues promptly and transparently. Thank you. Richard

Safety Boats update

The safety box in the boats are tagged and are for emergency use. If you notice the tag is broken, please report this to Tony Herlihy. Thank you.

Power Boat Training

Tony Herlihy, our power boat trainer is in full swing with running a Power Boat Level 2 course. If you would like to do the course, please sign up on the notice board in the club house and he will let you know when he runs the next one. Link to the course information is here:

Private Hire

Just a note that the club has a private hire on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th August so the bar will not be open that Friday evening for members.

Job Vacancies

A locally based international company involved in the sailing industry has vacancies for a Sales Manager and a Finance Manager. If any members are interested, please contact Dave Hogben for more information on 01227 741274.


Past copies of the Bulletin are now available on the Club website for your reference. Club website is being constantly updated so please do visit it often.

There is an informal WhatsApp group for general chit-chat (not a formal means of communication), link here to join:

There is an informal WhatsApp group called 'Sailing mums and dads' This is for parents/carers who would like to help each other with looking after children and joining sailing activities. If you would like to join, please let Magda know (07898778816) and she will add you to the group.

Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

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