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Home / News / Sam and Michael practicing at HBSC
Home / News / Sam and Michael practicing at HBSC

Sam and Michael practicing at HBSC

Published 17:16 on 13 May 2023

Sam and Michael Dyer are two young members of Herne Bay Sailing Club who have come up through the ranks from sailing an RS Feva when they were teenagers to a 29er and are now sailing an RS 800 at the European championships in Italy the end of May.

The two videos show the that although sailing can be a leisurely sport for all ages, it is also a physical sport for those with the athleticism and competitive edge that racing dinghies at Open and National Championships requires. Herne Bay sailing club has a long history of racing at the club, with a number of National, and European Champion sailors who have represented the club over the years. We wish Michael and Sam every success in Italy where they will be sailing against some of Europe and the worlds best sailors.


Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

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