HBSC Bulletin issue 5
Published 11:00 on 2 Apr 2023
HBSC Bulletin issue 5
Welcome to edition 5 of the Bulletin the regular communication keeping you updated about all aspects of club life, for all club members. The aim is that there is something for everyone and to encourage participation and involvement. We hope that you will find it informative and interesting.
Link to sailing calendar: https://members.hernebaysailingclub.co.uk/events
Next sailing is This Saturday for the first Open Sailing session of the year.
Sunday 2nd March Spring 3 and 4, 10am start
Looking ahead to the Easter Weekend there is sailing scheduled for the whole weekend, with the bar open on Good Friday night.
A Huge thank you to those who have signed up for duty slots so far. Please continue to volunteer for roles by signing up on Sailing Club Manager (SCM). If you are not sure about any role, would like more information, or not sure about how to use SCM, please do contact Simone Royer, our volunteer co-ordinator and she will gladly assist 07835 391395 or simone@bigmight.com
If anyone knows the whereabouts of the Race Clock and the Race Officer's Guide, please let any member of the sailing committee know - thank you. The race tower refurb is progressing and is useable, but there is no power. Hopefully it will be finished within the next month. There is the option to use the bar, or to run races from the power boat on the water.
Upcoming Socials
Next Social is the Beer Festival! A range of beers and ciders will be available. All are welcome including the general public as we have a temporary licence for this event. So bring your friends, family, neighbours, colleagues, acquaintances, gym partners, yoga class..
Opening times: Friday 21st April 6pm-10.30, Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd April 12 noon-10.30.
The maintenance on the club house is progressing. However, there is still some jobs that need finishing. If you feel you can help, please see the list in the club house corridor notice board. If you have any questions, please contact Lester, Rear Commodore.
The Galley
We are only a few weeks into the sailing season and so far the galley has been really fortunate to be manned by volunteers; who have been supporting the club through providing us with tasty hot snacks and refreshments for those members who have ventured out onto the water. What a great start! A group of members have agreed to help to stock the large freezer with different filled wraps, along with sausage rolls and, of course, cakes. The hope is that the galley will continue to be well supported, however on the occasions when this is not possible, members can take snacks from the freezer before or after going on the water as a 'self-service'. Our aim is to minimise waste where possible. We will continue to monitor this through the season and any feedback is most welcome.
We have over the years been lucky with members showing their culinary skills in cake baking and they continue to provide us with tasty treats. Members are always happy to try out any new recipes and cake donations are always welcome - all we ask is that you provide a list of ingredients to go with the cake.
The galley, like all other aspects of the club is run by volunteers and if anyone would like to offer some time to run, or help out in the galley and is not sure what it entails please contact me to meet up to go over things with you. It is a great way to meet people and take an active (and important) role in club life.
My contact details are gddengate@icloud.com, Or on the WhatsApp group. Many thanks, Jo Dengate, galley co-ordinator.
Tony Smith
Despite the weather, Tony was given a good send-off, the clouds parted, and the sun came out on his final farewell. We are delighted that Val, Tony's wife has accepted the offer of Life Membership for the long service that she has given over decades past. Val, we look forward to seeing you out on the water in your kayak.
New members
A very warm welcome to our new members
Paul, Rachel & Rowan
Anthony & Amy
Colin & Lucy
Let's get serious about recruitment of new members. If we can increase membership we can grow the club with the financial and volunteering resources that it generates. Is there a member for with expertise to drive this now the new season is underway? Please, please contact Richard on 07443115925.
Role Vacancies
Club promotion: Help please! We are still looking for a member who can take on Club promotion to expand the communications team. We are really fortunate to have a small team of members who produce flyers etc given the input and post to our website and Facebook pages. To make it even better, we would love someone to come forward who would like to design flyers and posters, liaise with organizations and businesses in the community, including the press. Any contribution will be welcome irrespective of how long you have been a member.
Please 'like' our Facebook page 'Herne Bay Sailing Club' and follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herne_bay_sailing_club/
There is also an informal WhatsApp group for any member to join, this is for your pleasure only and is not regulated by the committee, nor a formal communication channel, contact Olaf to join: 07859189607.
Past copies of the Bulletin will be available on the Club website for your reference.
Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024