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HBSC Bulletin issue 4

Published 10:58 on 2 Apr 2023

HBSC Bulletin issue 4

Welcome to edition 4 of the Bulletin the regular communication keeping you updated about all aspects of club life, for all club members. The aim is that there is something for everyone and to encourage participation and involvement. We hope that you will find it informative and interesting.

Maintenance Round-Up

This winter has seen a mammoth amount of maintenance on the club 8 working party days since Christmas! Thank you to everyone who has contributed. Let's be proud! There is still some work going on to refurbish the race tower and painting the outside of the club house.

Repairs to path at rear of club house

Dave Hogben has been beavering away in the background trying to chase path repairs with the council and is able to inform us that the work on the path is programmed to be carried out in May, and that access will be maintained at all times.

Directors' Meeting Minutes

The link to the February minutes are here and will soon be available on the club website.

The Sailing Season is here!!

The Slipway Laying team did a great job last Saturday and we enjoyed wonderful curries and desserts in the evening, well done all.

The Opening Splash was last Sunday in lively conditions. Its time to get afloat!

A note from our Commodore, Richard De Lisle:

Dear sailors, kayakers and paddle boarders,

I know that you will all be checking your equipment for frayed ropes and worn blocks before launching for the new season before us. While polishing the hull and lubricating axles please give a thought to ensure that all your equipment , spars , sail bags etc are Marked with the craft's number and your surname. Thank you.

Can I suggest that if you have a long sail bag that you roll your sail on a length on plastic downpipe. This makes it easier for you to put sails away and it also prevents your sail bag from impeding the storage rack below yours. It is being considerate to fellow sailors.

By the way, the water is cold in March and April so please wear wet suits or dry suits. A pair of wet socks inside your wet boots is a great idea at this time of year.

Don't forget that if you're on the safety boat you may be required to get into the water for a rescue, so dress appropriately please.

Report from the Opening Splash last Sunday:

Link to sailing calendar:

Next sailing is This Sunday 1000 start for Spring 1

A Huge thank you to those who have signed up for duty slots so far. Please continue to volunteer for roles by signing up on Sailing Club Manager (SCM). If you are not sure about any role, would like more information, or not sure about how to use SCM, please do contact Simone Royer, our volunteer co-ordinator and she will gladly assist 07835 391395 or

Upcoming Socials

Next Social is this Saturday 18th March at 1930

Bill Phillips is going to give a talk on 'The Mystery of the pudding pans'

Since, at least, Tudor times, fishermen from the North Kent Coast have been finding red earthenware pots in their nets. These have come to be known as Pudding Pans and, in addition to be found in the Whitstable, Herne Bay, Ashmolean and British Museums have spread around the world. There have been many theories, (some as fanciful as Kent's own Atlantis) as to who made them, where they came from and how they got there. The talk will explore their fascinating detective story and look at the fate of these pots and current thinking and possible future research initiatives. Please come along, friends and family are welcome, and some money to spend in the bar.

The Galley

As the season gets underway we have started to introduce fresh stock, but mindful in how much we offer in a bid to reduce waste. We are also looking to introduce some healthy options (don't worry cake won't be off the menu!). If anyone has any suggestions on what foods and drinks you would like from the galley, please get in touch with our galley co-ordinator Jo Dengate on

The galley, like all other aspects of the club is run by volunteers and if anyone would like to offer some time to run, or help out in the galley and is not sure what it entails please contact Jo to meet up to go over things with you. It is a great way to meet people and take an active (and important) role in club life.


Tony Smith

A date has now been set for Tony's funeral, and the arrangements are as follows:

Church Service: St. Martin's Church, Herne, CT6 7HN - Friday 31st March, 2pm

(For those who wish to attend the burial after the service - Herne Bay Cemetery, 211 Canterbury Road, Herne, CT6 7HB)

Wake: Table Table, Blacksole Farm, Margate Road, Herne Bay, CT6 6LA

No flowers please, but donations to the RNLI. Tony's family would like to have an idea of the numbers of members who are planning to attend the church service and the wake afterwards as they need to get the Orders of Service printed and give Table Table the numbers for catering, and have asked me to act as the contact point to collate this. If you are intending to attend the church service and/or the wake, please contact me by phone on 01227 741274 or by email at as soon as possible.

Clive Woodward

The Woodward family would like to thank everyone for their kind words and cards and letters of condolence. It was lovely to feel the support of the club at such a difficult time and Clive would have been very touched to know so many of you were thinking of him and also came to his funeral. Clive loved HBSC and we joined at the time of his retirement. Clive's time at the club was very special and he was able to make lots of new friends and enjoy the sailing. He really enjoyed ( as did I) the social evenings and the lunches of course. I hope to keep in touch and also to come down now and again in the summer and see everyone.

With love and best wishes from, Jane and the girls.

New members

A very warm welcome to new member Robert Green, we hope you enjoy Herne Bay's best beach hut!

Let's get serious about recruitment of new members. If we can increase membership we can grow the club with the financial and volunteering resources that it generates. Is there a member for with expertise to drive this now the new season is underway? Please, please contact Richard on 07443115925.

Water Safety updates

Matt Young is now in charge overall of Ports & Foreshore and they are operating out of the former Vattenfall buildings. All contact details remain the same: tel: 01227 2667190

Role Vacancies

Club promotion: Help please! We are still looking for a member who can take on Club promotion to expand the communications team. We are really fortunate to have a small team of members who produce flyers etc given the input and post to our website and Facebook pages. To make it even better, we would love someone to come forward who would like to design flyers and posters, liaise with organizations and businesses in the community, including the press. Any contribution will be welcome irrespective of how long you have been a member.


Adrian Pinn and his son, Tom have set up a water harvesting system for boat washing for this season, which forms part of our sustainability programme. Full details are here:


Please 'like' our Facebook page 'Herne Bay Sailing Club' and follow on Instagram:

There is also an informal WhatsApp group for any member to join, this is for your pleasure only and is not regulated by the committee, nor a formal communication channel, contact Olaf to join: 07859189607.

See you on the water soon.

Last updated 07:04 on 19 August 2024

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